Kubernetes Applications on Raspberry PI 4
I want to deploy some testing applications on Kubernetes with automatic deployments triggered from a Git repository. So this was a fantastic excuse to build a Raspberry PI 4 Rack for self-hosting applications. The solution includes K3S (lightweight Kubernetes), Jenkins (for the CICD pipeline), Docker (to build and host the container images), and Gitlab CE (self-managed GitLab). This combination allows me to don't need any external service.
I need to deploy applications to a Self-hosted K8S Cluster. Also, I need to automate the deployments using Jenkins and an own Git server for the applications code using Gitlab CE. I will use 2 Raspberry PI for the solution. On the first Raspberry PI (aka rpi4a) I will install Kubernetes and Docker, and on the second (aka rpi4b), I will install Gitlab and Jenkins.